My sweet Emma!
I know Emma since she was three years old. I remember her the first months tearing when mommy was going to leave the classroom. She was so small and so adorable! Saturday Italian classes were a special time for us to interact, have fun, and learn from each other.
Now, Emma is nearly six years old, and I have the pride to say: “She is my youngest Italian student!”
During the COVID-19 and the US lock-down, mommy Marilyn asked me if I was able to teach Italian to her daughter through ZOOM.
I said: “Of course Marilyn!”
I was so happy to have my “child” back! Truth is, I have a soft spot… I consider my students as my own. They are the only one whom make me feel alive, and give me a purpose in my life.
Anyhow, starting on April 2020, Emma and I began the ZOOM Italian classes. Our remote interaction it is still on, and improving week by week.
I cannot forget when Emma told me in one of the very first remote lessons: “I want to become an Italian teacher when I grow up!” Listening this admission from your child is an amazing experience: it fills you up of joy, and warms up your heart. Hearing something like that means that the student has been inspired, and wants to emulate the instructor out of respect.
A great factor is the student’s background history in that Emma’s dad is Italian. Furthermore, her mom, dad, and nonno are actively motivating her curiosity, her knowledge. In my own opinion this is a great plus, which will offer the child an extra speed in the growing and learning process.
Last week, I received a letter from my Emma. She wrote me in Italian and English.

Below, there is her English version:

You are so, so, so, so, so very cool and amazing.
Love Emma”
This letter made my heart smile! What can I tell you Emma? I do not feel amazing, but with your words I feel a better person. Thank you for being such a great child and student. Be always grateful to your family to support you, and thank you for this great present!
“Cara Emma,
Grazie per scrivere questa lettera! Tu sei una bambina meravigliosa.
Continua a studiare costantemente e vedrai che molto presto potrai parlare fluentemente la lingua italiana!“
Ms. Antonia”
Antonia L Mosca