My sweet Emma!

I know Emma since she was three years old. I remember her the first months tearing when mommy was going to leave the classroom. She was so small and so adorable! Saturday Italian classes were a special time for us to interact, have fun, and learn from each other.

Now, Emma is nearly six years old, and I have the pride to say: “She is my youngest Italian student!”

During the COVID-19 and the US lock-down, mommy Marilyn asked me if I was able to teach Italian to her daughter through ZOOM.

I said: “Of course Marilyn!”

I was so happy to have my “child” back! Truth is, I have a soft spot… I consider my students as my own. They are the only one whom make me feel alive, and give me a purpose in my life.

Anyhow, starting on April 2020, Emma and I began the ZOOM Italian classes. Our remote interaction it is still on, and improving week by week.

I cannot forget when Emma told me in one of the very first remote lessons: “I want to become an Italian teacher when I grow up!” Listening this admission from your child is an amazing experience: it fills you up of joy, and warms up your heart.  Hearing something like that means that the student has been inspired, and wants to emulate the instructor out of respect.

A great factor is the student’s background history in that Emma’s dad is Italian. Furthermore, her mom, dad, and nonno are actively motivating her curiosity, her knowledge. In my own opinion this is a great plus, which will offer the child an extra speed in the growing and learning process.

Last week, I received a letter from my Emma. She wrote me in Italian and English.

Below, there is her English version:

“You can speak Italian and that’s amazing. This is a letter and I wrote it because you are so amazing. It’s cool that you speak Italian, you are cool, you are awesome.
You are so, so, so, so, so very cool and amazing.
Love Emma”

This letter made my heart smile! What can I tell you Emma? I do not feel amazing, but with your words I feel a better person. Thank you for being such a great child and student. Be always grateful to your family to support you, and thank you for this great present!

“Cara Emma,

Grazie per scrivere questa lettera! Tu sei una bambina meravigliosa.

Continua a studiare costantemente e vedrai che molto presto potrai parlare fluentemente la lingua italiana!


Ms. Antonia”

Antonia L Mosca

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Top six Italian Semifreddo

Summer is the season well known for going to the beach, pool, and mostly spending time outdoors. However, since we are for now living in a “social distancing” world, we need to be extra cautious about who we meet and how to interact with people. A great alternative to this antisocial year, is to enjoy life in your own home and… Concentrating on eating…

Buffet of sweets

Hot weather can make us opt for refreshing foods like: ice-cream, frozen yogurt, smoothie, or the king of the summer: watermelon! Well, besides all these very tasty ideas, here it comes another suggestion spelled out in one name: “Semifreddo.”

“Semifreddo” is an Italian that literally means “Semi-frozen.” This is not an ice-cream, and not even a dessert. It is a kind of hybrid placed in half way, and that can be enjoyed for the entire 365 days of the year.

Guess what? After few researches, I discovered that Italy is the “Semifreddo” homeland, of course influenced by many European countries. Let me introduce you some of the best six Italian semifreddo:


In the US are called “Cream puffs.” This rounded shell can be filled with custard, hazelnut, chocolate, or whipped cream. The invention starts around 1540 at Caterina de ‘Medici’s court in Florence. Her trusted chef Popelini created this sublime dough to celebrate the Italian noblewoman wedding to Henry II of France. This special union between Italy and France, originates profiteroles, which will be spread outside the two countries and being widely appreciated around the XVII Century.

Chocolate Profiteroles


This is the coffee lover semifreddo dessert. It is not baked cake made with ladyfingers dipped in a mixture of espresso and liqueur, then layered on a creamy, sweet, and delicious mixture of mascarpone, eggs, and coffee flavor.


 The word Tiramisù comes from the Treviso dialect, “Tireme su”, it literally means “Pick me up”. This semifreddo was originated in the Northern part of Italy, Treviso in 1800. According to few sources, this dessert was invented by a clever “maitresse” of a red-light district in the center of Treviso. Considered as: “Aphrodisiac dessert to offer to customers at the end of the evening in order to reinvigorate their conjugal duties” (


In English stands for “Lemon delight” and it comes from the main lemon-land based in Sorrento, Napoli. This delicious lemon semifreddo pastry is made of sponge cake immersed by limoncello syrup flavor; then,  filled and covered with lemon cream.

In the pastries you can find the family or single portion; in this last case you can notice the resemblance with a human breast, because it has a semicircular shape with a wild strawberry on top.

The delizia al limone was conceived back in 1978 by a Sorrento confectioner: Carmine Marzuillo, whom especially for this amazing sweet creation, in 2005 was even awarded of the title “Cavaliere.”


It is “Cooked cream” is an Italian dessert of sweetened cream that can take coffee, vanilla, strawberry, or more exotic flavors, such as kiwi or mango. Opposing, are the origins of panna cotta. Some consider it as a traditional Piemonte dessert made on 1900 for the first time, and cooked by a Hungarian woman from Langhe. On the contrary, North European books, assign panna cotta to be originated in Medieval times. We will probably never know the truth, meanwhile, let’s taste this delicious sweet treat.

Panna Cotta


The translation is “Drowned in the coffee flavor”. It is another Italian coffee-based dessert, and it has the form of a scoop of vanilla gelato “Drowned” with a shot of hot espresso. However, there are also alternative versions that include: coconut, cherries, and honeycomb,

Affogato al caffe’ @ Eataly


The Viennetta is our last sweet semifreddo based on vanilla ice-cream and tiny dark chocolate flakes, with a unique wavy shape. Using the technique borrowed by the British Kevin Hillman, this dessert was introduced in 1982 by the historical Italian ice-cream brand “Algida.” It is available in many flavors, such as: chocolate, vanilla, Crème brûlée, choco-nut, eggnog, cappuccino, and tiramisu’.

Antonia L. Mosca

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Trekking through Italy

In this so delicate time, everybody’s fear is to get infected… So, what do we do? Shut themselves in the house it is not an option anymore. This would not be living healthy mental lives. Especially after the so long and exhausting quarantine, we want to still feel the fresh air, the sun on our face, have a little freedom. Beforehand, we do need to choose carefully the place we wish to visit. An optimal idea for avoiding crowds would be to go on trekking. Italy it is a great place for hitting footpaths. Here, few unknown trails where it is pretty hard to find many people these days:

Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Dolomites

Those are three battlement-like peaks, located in the northeastern Italy. They are probably one of the best-known mountain groups in the Alp. The Tre Cime hike begins from the car/bus park at Rifugio Auronzo, which can be reached by bus or car from the nearby town of Cortina. It is a 10 km trail that can be completed within three hours.


Selvaggio Blu, Sardinia

The Selvaggio Blu means “Wild Blue”, it is a trekking route in the territory of Baunei district. You will walk through creeks, to cliffs, rivers, and caves along with the wonderful Mediterranean scenery. It is a five days challenge for experienced hikers in the wild nature. This is a hike which requires on average seven hours daily for each excursion. Please, be prepared for this competitive adventure.

Stromboli, Sicily

Stromboli volcano it is a magnificent place to visit because surrounded of its black-sand beaches, and by the magnetic sea, it offers the perfect mind-set for trekking up to the mountain. Since ancient times, the Stromboli is one of few volcanoes in the world that is in near-constant activity. It offers visitors a relatively easy access to a vantage point where its eruptions can be observed from very close range in reasonable safety.

Volcano Stromboli

Monte Pollino, Calabria

It is the green heartland of Southern Italy, halfway between Basilicata and Calabria, you can whiteness breathtaking views, completed with well-preserved medieval towns. Monte Pollino, it is known also as “mountain of Apollo” (the Greek god of the sun), it is the second highest peak of the Pollino massif and the entire Southern Apennines. The Monte Pollino can be climbed all year round; however, best times of the year are from June to October. The trail it is doable from Colle d’Impsio which takes only 3 ½ hours.

Valle dei Mulini, Amafi Coast

The Mills Valley, is a verdant grouping of modern ruins nestled at the bottom of a deep Italian crevasse. You can experience the deep crack in the rock which houses and crumbling buildings originated during a huge eruption able to devastate the Mediterranean area 35.000 years ago. Hiking to the Mills Valley, can start walking in the Amalfi coast and discovering the history of the ancient republic with its paper mills and nature. The shorter and easier route it would be starting from Amalfi where you will face the uphill path via the stairways.

Mills Valley

Antonia L. Mosca

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Secret Italian beaches to discover…

Italy is very well known for its hot and shiny sun. Along with the sun, travelers want to visit the “Bel Paese” also for the so many beautiful beaches all around the boot.

Regular tourists may stroll around all the “classic” beach spots. However, the purpose of this article is to offer a unique choice to the potential visitor, who wishes to go over and discover the “secret places” known only by the native people.

Remaiolo beach:

It is located in the south of Elba Island, Toscana. It is an inaccessible cove which you will be able to visit only if you are guest of “Costa del Gabbiani Hotel”

Another way is to walk on a very steep road for about three km, and in order to do that, you will need a special permission from the management of the tourist resort

Remaiolo beach

However, if somehow, you will manage to arrive to the Remaiolo beach, you will face this rocky view with an amazing light-green sea color. An unforgivable scenery.

La Bufalara beach:

Ii is in Sabaudia, Latina; by the “Torre di Paola beach”. To visit this beautiful secret sea, you will need to walk on a long trail distinguished by pretty high dunes.

La Bufalara beach is a place difficult and far to go, also during the high season in August, it is an empty beach. To go there it is possible also taking part of tour guides, and you may need to ride an horse!

Cala Monte di Luna beach:

Located in Marina di Camerota, Salerno. The name explains that the beach is situated on the bottom of the rocky mountain; another reason is that watching this bay by the close town, people can see the moon; like if it were born on that beach. Enchanting dark blue sea, and very romantic!

Cala Monte di Luna

Punta Crena beach:

Another reason to visit Liguria is because of its hidden beach mostly visited on the high summer season. The beach is very close to “Riviera del Ponte”

How to get there? Only swimming! To avoid any inconveniences, if you decide to “use” this pathway, you will need to wear special plastic shoes. The low-clear water and the rocks offer an enchanting view of this so special beach.

Cala Cipolla:

In Sardegna there are many wild sandy beaches, but one of the still unknown is in Cagliari and its name is: “Cala Cipolla”

Cala Cipolla

 This beach is located by Chia Bay. It is especially attended from off-season surfers. The very close pine trees, offer an easy way to find some shade from the heat of summer; therefore, it is a suitable place also for families with children. You may park in the surrounding area, but it is needed to walk on the sand for 100 meters.

Antonia L. Mosca

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Italy: the best livable towns of 2019

The University of Rome “La Sapienza” and “ItaliaOggi” have completed a research on the Italian region which are considered as the best quality of life. The index for this research were made using different factors; such as: job and business, standard of living, demography, social safety, education.

On this study came out a pretty straight forward classifies, which sees the North on a terrific leading role of the entire Italy. Just to be fair, we will linger on “the best” North, Center, and South.

We will outline the first five towns of the classifies:

75TH POSITION: Benevento, is a city that belongs to the Campania region.


This city occupies the site of the ancient Beneventum, originally Maleventum or even earlier Maloenton. The meaning of the name of the town is evidenced by its former Latin name, translating as good or fair wind. In the imperial period it was supposed to have been founded by Diomedes after the Trojan War.

70TH POSITION: We find Matera, a Southern city in the region of Basilicata. It is a location well known for the rocks or “sassi”, and if you will ever visit this suggestive place, you will be able to go to a museum which shows a variety of rocks. Another essential point to know is that the area it is because, it has been settled since the Palaeolithic (10th millennium BC). This makes it potentially one of the oldest continually inhabited settlements in the world.

Rocky Matera

19TH POSITION: Macerata is an historical city, located on a hill between the Chienti and Potenza rivers. It first consisted of the Picenes city named Ricina (Helvia Recina), then, after its romanization, Recina and Helvia Recina. After the destruction of Helvia Recina by the barbarians, the inhabitants took shelter in the hills and eventually began to rebuild the city.

Piazza della libertà di Macerata

2ND POSITION: Pordenone is province of northeast Italy in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. Pordenone was created in the High Middle Ages as a river port on the Noncello, with the name Portus Naonis. In the area, however, there were already villas and agricultural settlements in the Roman age.

Pordenone center

1ST POSTION: Trento over this 2019 study received the 1.000,00 points.

It is a city on the Adige River in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol in Italy. It is the capital of the autonomous province of Trento. In the 16th century, the city was the location of the Council of Trent. Formerly part of Austria and Austria-Hungary, it was annexed by Italy in 1919. With almost 120,000 inhabitants, Trento is the third largest city in the Alps and second largest in the Tyrol.


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ITALY: The most amazing nativity to see

Besides Christmas tree, Italy has a very strong tradition generationally conveyed on preparing the Nativity. From North to South, no exceptions allowed: Everyone needs to prepare their own.

Christmas is the time of the year you may want to consider to take a trip to Italy and visit at list one of these amazing places that show their special concept of Jesus Christ’s birth.

There are several and unique venues to check-out.


753 sf is the space is taken for the representation of Jesus’ village. The scenery is one of the biggest in Italy and has the exclusive aspect to be covered by snow. It is the reproduction of the Alps, with a very special view of waterfalls, houses, streams, and characters. St. Joseph’s Church hosts the event.

Cirie’: Snowing nativity


It has been happening for many years. The mechanical nativity is created after many months of hardwork.

Cavallermaggiore: Mechanical nativity

For this representation, the expert volunteers have the pride to have used 322 sf of space. The statuettes have an old age, too because these are dated back to ‘700. Moreover, there are some other which have jointed upper and lower limbs, to make possible the mechanical movement.  Starting December 21st, you will be able to see this amazing Nativity in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.


This is a truly unusual nativity because it is submerged under three meters of water. All the characters has been realized out of Vicenza rock. To make a clear view of the scene the creator has also placed lights underneath the water to make the whole image more spectacular.

Laveno Mombello: Underwater nativity

It has been 42 years since the representation keeps repeating. Every year 42 statuettes are used to fill-up the Christmas scenery. The event is already opened to the public to St. Filippo & Giacomo Church.


It is located in Cinque Terre, and it is considered the world-famous outdoor nativity scene.

Characteristics? It is illuminated nativity.

La Spezia: Light-up nativity

For this reason, Manarola holds the Guinness record for this project 7 miles of electric cables, 15000 fires and 300 full-scale figures are used. If you are going to La Spezia, you should not miss the opening ceremony with fireworks illuminating the sky.


There is a reason more to stop by the beautiful Sardinia island: its nativity is made out of bread paste.

Bread paste in Sardinia

Local artisans have been involved in the years on working on this nativity project. Therefore, have been realized over than 160 bread statuettes. Unfortunately, bread is a product very easy to deteriorate, so help is consistently needed.

The event is hosted to Nostra Signora di Talia Church.

  Antonia L. Mosca

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Italian Plazas and Christmas trees 2019

Since the month of December has already arrived, what is the best thing to do in this amazing time of the year? For sure, going out and see Christmas lighting. Also, check-out how each town has arranged the celebration of December 2019.

Let’s visit, even, virtually the major Italian plazas chosen randomly: How each city has designed their concept of festivity?


This year, Piazza Duomo, opted for a modern, ecological, and huge metal tree, high 37 meters surrounded by countless LED lights. On December 6th Milano had the “grand opening” of the Christmas season. The mayor of the city and other prominent Milano authorities of Milano were there for the occasion; when the tree lights turned-on. You can tell from the picture that tree and Duomo create together a wonderful effect to the city.



After the dangerous high tide which lead apprehension, uncertainties and worldwide concerns: Venice can be now considered out of the trouble. On December 6th, Piazza San Marco, was lighted of a beautiful tree sponsored by AmEx.


The 13-meter tree is going to make the plaza more charming than usual. The Venezia mayor, with many other politicians, local associations, and American Express reps were all part of the special celebration. The night was also enriched by a choir which was playing Christmas songs


On November 23rd, Ancona was one of the first Italian towns that turned-on the Christmas tree. For this yearly event there were more than seven thousand people waiting in Piazza Roma. The major plaza was enlightened at 18:30 when, also begun the show. On that day Ancona started running the Ferris wheel in Piazza Cavour, and the nearby ice-skating station.  



On December 8th also this beautiful city, in the late afternoon turned the switches-on. Placed in an evocative area of Piazza del Duomo: between Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, and Brunelleschi dome; the tree was simply spectacular.


Many events accompanied the past weekend; such as “Santa Claus company”, choirs, lotteries, and religious events. However, many more occurrences have to come. Did you know that Firenze has one of the longest ice-skating of the entre Europe? Intrigued enough? Then, you should pay a visit to “Garden of the Fortezza da Basso”


This beautiful town of the South Italy opted for a homemade Christmas tree. Reggio Calabria, with the help of many volunteers created a tree which was made out of crochet. It is an art bounded to past societies, cultures. However, now, in modern times s the handmade ornaments are coming back as a new and special trend. It took nine months to the “AIL” operators to have these unique Christmas ornaments, which are attached to an iron base built by the local company Buonafede. However, now the main street is enlightened for all the Christmas season.


Antona L Mosca

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A tour of Christmas Villages 2019 around Italy

For a couple of weeks, we have been hearing people humming on the street Christmas tunes, cities have been more colorful with red bows or their lighted up trees, and also, we have been somehow hearing strangers using Christmas ring tones. Well, with today, we can definitely confirm that the month of December has finally arrived.

It does not want to be a cliché, but we are merrier on Christmas season. Everything looks brighter, and our time is usually spent with our closest ones. It is not a case that December has been considered as a high peak season for families and friends to stay together on vacation.

In case you are planning to visit Italy, this is definitely a magic time to go. From North to South, you may want to have some time for Christmas street markets. We would like to indicate you few unmissable places.

Christkindlmarkt, it is a yearly event staged in Bolzano (Trentino Alto Adige) from the end of November, until January 6th. You may have the chance to check on gastronomy stands, along with small business specialized also to children’s interests such as: the miniature trains. On the streets you may smell the sweet strudel, mulled wine, and apple juice.

Stunning Bolzano scenary

Christmas Village in Ascoli Piceno (Marche) from December 1st to January 6th.  In the main Plaza Arringo, you may take a tour on the miniature wooden towns, take a stroll in the main streets where you can purchase several unique Christmas gifts, and you may take some time to ice skate, too. In case you plan to stay for a couple of days, you may not want to miss to deliver your mail to Santa Claus’ house, and participate the alive Nativity.

Christmas street festival in the warmer capital Rome, you may see this special time of the year in one of the most enchanting places of the world: Piazza Navona. This event is going to start December 2nd and will come to an end on January 6th. Music, lights, stores, will be an amazing scene of this last part of the 2019.

Enchanting Piazza Navona

San Gregorio Armeno, Napoli (Campania) is one of the most beautiful stops you may need to take if you land to the “Sun country”. This specific street has centuries of Christmas Nativity tradition. You will find in every shop Christmas Nativity character and each of them are exclusively hand-made. Besides, Neapolitan handcrafter are well known also to place anyone else into the Nativity scene. You may surprisingly see Napoli soccer players, Queen Elizabeth, Roberto Benigni, and many more mundane characters.

Unique narrow streets of San Gregorio Armeno, Napoli

We can tell that San Gregorio Armeno is opened the whole year round; therefore, you may visit 365 days per year. However, Christmas season has always a different and more special “flavor” to appreciate the charm of this great city.

Giotto Park Village. The stunning Palermo (Sicily) celebrates Christmas with spectacular markets. The Christmas Village will be on until January 6th.

These are opened to all ages, especially to the children who can take rides on many carousels. Another event you may not want to miss is to try the street Sicilian food and tasty wines. We can guarantee that the weather is not as inclement as the North of Italy, so walking around the markets will be a total fun. For this Christmas event, all the stores will be opened. Tourist, and local will be able to check on special gifts.

Antonia L Mosca

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Halloween 2019 is here already!

Even though it is the first half of October, Halloween is in the air. You can feel it, smell it, and see it.

When this special time of the year comes, we can divide the American families into two categories: the soft and the hard core. The first group has friendly Jack O’Lantern, ghosts, or scarecrows in their front yard.

Cute pumpkins
Nice ghosts

Instead, the other group is definitely more ‘intense’. I recently found behind my neighborhood a huge crowd of zombies, spiders, skeletons, and scary clowns all rigorously moving. Mr. Mark’s fantasy did not miss anything, or anyone… He is a genial mind. His organization was pretty creepy!

Scary guys…
Mr. Mark’s front yard

In Italy, we celebrate the Saints Day & Death Day right after Halloween, so there must be somehow a connection to this. October might probably be a date when human and not are connected to each other.

Hallows’ Evening started as a pagan Celts of Britain and Ireland celebration for: Samhain on October 31 as the end of the season of the sun and the beginning of the season of darkness. It was believed that on this day the souls of the dead revisited their homes. Bonfires were lit to chase away evil spirits.

This year will fall on Thursday 31st, 2019. Halloween is an event celebrated now in most of the countries, also in Italy children dressed up, knock at neighbor’s door asking the famous question: “Trick or treat?” However, do we know where are the roots of this international event?

It is amazing to see how divergent histories, religions, and cultures may celebrate this dark event in such a respectful and proud way. This is why we are living in the USA.

Antonia L. Mosca

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From May until August 5th the Archaeological Park of Pompeii is opening its door to host an enchanting jewelry such as stones, ivory, neck less, earrings, rings in gold or silver. All coming from Delos, Cyclades islands, Ercolano, Paestum, and other Neapolitan sites.

Mt. Vesuvius facing Pompeii destroys

All these sparkling jewels are held into black caskets, to show a color contrast to impress our eyes and souls. The huge amount of gold an jewels represents how the local economy was expanding at that time. Most jewels were found after the terrible eruption of Mt. Vesuvius back on 79 AC.

However, the magma preserved these sparkling remains in optimal conditions; therefore, the entire world can enjoy this unique exhibition. Furthermore, the show is hosted by one of the most suggestive areas of the West side of Pompeii Park “Palestra Grande” (the big gym).