▼ How old do I have to be to take SCUOLAZZURRI online class?
▼ How do I take the free trial? How long is going to be?
▼ How do I enroll and register?
▼ Is there any class outline?
▼ Will classes meet a specific time?
▼ How long does a class last?
▼ Can I have access to the previous lessons and watch them whenever I like?
▼ Is SCUOLAZZURRI opened all the year?


▼ Can I use tablet/ I Phone?
▼ How do I get access to the school material?
▼ What if I get disconnected during the online class?
▼ What are the technical requirement for an online class?


▼ How much does an online class cost?
▼ When do I have to pay? Once you join SCUOLAZZURRI, you will be required to pay
▼ Acceptable payment methods?Please refer to this


▼ How old do I have to be to take SCUOLAZZURRI online class?
If supervised by a parent, you could start at the age of five years old to take the online session.

▼Can I take the free trial? How long is going to be?
You will need to send an email to info@scuolazzurri.com and request a 15 minutes free trial. We will take this mini-class where we will see where we need to improve our language skills. Furthermore, we will inquiry if there is any topic you wish to work on.

▼How do I enroll and register?

According to the student’s age, you may enroll either for a 1-on-1 or group class. If interested on taking an 8 weeks class, please, send us an email to info@scuolazzurri.com 

▼What if I change my mind and I want to drop the online class?
You may send an email to info@scuolazzurri.com within 7 days from the online payment. We will cancel you from the Italian class. A refund will be processed within 24/48 business hours.

▼Is there any class outline?
Based on your age group and needs, Mrs. Antonia will prepare your customized curriculum.

▼Will classes meet a specific time?
Absolutely yes! According to your time, we will try to schedule an online lesson around your availabilities. It would be very helpful if you could provide us a slot of time/days of the week at info@scuolazzurri.com

▼How long does a class last?
Depending on the age group, classes last 45 or 50 minutes.

▼Can I have access to the previous lessons and watch them whenever I like?
In case it is a 1-on-1 class, you may. We kindly ask you to request it in advance!

▼Is SCUOLAZZURRI opened all the year round?
Yes, we are, with the exception of some of the national US and Christmas holidays.

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▼Can I use tablet/ I Phone?

We strongly suggest you to use a laptop.

▼How do I get access to the school material? At the end of each class Mrs. Antonia will send a review of the daily lesson and homework to your email.

▼What if I get disconnected during the online class?
Technical issues, unfortunately might happen. We will try our very best to avoid these cases. If we cannot have the live session, we will make up an additional class for you.

▼What are the technical requirement for an online class?[…]
You need to have a working laptop and microphone. In case you are too young the supervision of an adult is required.

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▼How much does an online class cost?
Please, check this [link]

▼When do I have to pay?
Once you join SCUOLAZZURRI, you will be required to pay [link]

▼Acceptable payment methods?
You may use PayPal, Venmo, and VISA credit cards.

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  1. By Carolina on

    little sister you are really smart it was a real pleasure to meet you Carolina See you soon

    1. By admin (Post author) on

      Grazie a te Carolina! Grazie tante per visitare Scuolazzurri.com! =)


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