Italian Plazas and Christmas trees 2019

Since the month of December has already arrived, what is the best thing to do in this amazing time of the year? For sure, going out and see Christmas lighting. Also, check-out how each town has arranged the celebration of December 2019.

Let’s visit, even, virtually the major Italian plazas chosen randomly: How each city has designed their concept of festivity?


This year, Piazza Duomo, opted for a modern, ecological, and huge metal tree, high 37 meters surrounded by countless LED lights. On December 6th Milano had the “grand opening” of the Christmas season. The mayor of the city and other prominent Milano authorities of Milano were there for the occasion; when the tree lights turned-on. You can tell from the picture that tree and Duomo create together a wonderful effect to the city.



After the dangerous high tide which lead apprehension, uncertainties and worldwide concerns: Venice can be now considered out of the trouble. On December 6th, Piazza San Marco, was lighted of a beautiful tree sponsored by AmEx.


The 13-meter tree is going to make the plaza more charming than usual. The Venezia mayor, with many other politicians, local associations, and American Express reps were all part of the special celebration. The night was also enriched by a choir which was playing Christmas songs


On November 23rd, Ancona was one of the first Italian towns that turned-on the Christmas tree. For this yearly event there were more than seven thousand people waiting in Piazza Roma. The major plaza was enlightened at 18:30 when, also begun the show. On that day Ancona started running the Ferris wheel in Piazza Cavour, and the nearby ice-skating station.  



On December 8th also this beautiful city, in the late afternoon turned the switches-on. Placed in an evocative area of Piazza del Duomo: between Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, and Brunelleschi dome; the tree was simply spectacular.


Many events accompanied the past weekend; such as “Santa Claus company”, choirs, lotteries, and religious events. However, many more occurrences have to come. Did you know that Firenze has one of the longest ice-skating of the entre Europe? Intrigued enough? Then, you should pay a visit to “Garden of the Fortezza da Basso”


This beautiful town of the South Italy opted for a homemade Christmas tree. Reggio Calabria, with the help of many volunteers created a tree which was made out of crochet. It is an art bounded to past societies, cultures. However, now, in modern times s the handmade ornaments are coming back as a new and special trend. It took nine months to the “AIL” operators to have these unique Christmas ornaments, which are attached to an iron base built by the local company Buonafede. However, now the main street is enlightened for all the Christmas season.


Antona L Mosca

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Posted December 8, 2019 by admin in category "Journal