In the last few years, Italy has had tourists coming from all over the world to visit some of the most beautiful Italian places. When I ask my foreign friends where they went or wish to go, I always hear the same routes: Rome, Florence, Venice, and Amalfi Coast… Please, do not get me wrong, all these are amazing places, but you can take time to go to different paths, with less crowd, and still discover fascinating sites.


It is a natural spot located in Merano, Alto Adige. Its real popularity started in 1870 due to the visit of the Empress of Austria Elizabeth, better known as Sissi. The Empress brought her daughters and especially Valerie, who was not very well, to improve her health condition.

You can have a steam bath mixed with mountain herbs. At Trauttmansdorff there is the Finnish sauna considered the biggest and well equipped in Alto Adige. Lastly, the Snow Room, which only the bravest guests may accept to get into because this special room is set at -10° C.

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The Bagni Vecchi, or “old baths” with their wealth of history, are located along the main road leading to the Stelvio. The Goth historian Cassiodorus admired their therapeutic virtues; as well as Leonardo da Vinci who mentioned the unique waters in his Codex Atlanticus.

The nine natural hot springs on the slopes of Monte Reit reach temperatures between 37 and 40°C.

Terme Bagni Nuovi Thermal Center offers a new relaxation experience: with its water rich in sulfurous mud, the infinity pool with panoramic views of the Alps, the large outdoor pools, saunas, waterfalls, and many other attractive services for those seeking moments of complete wellness surrounded by the nature of the Stelvio National Park.

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Romans built and established the thermal area in the old Etruscan village called Surrena, better known today as Viterbo.

In Medieval times, the hot springs were a mandatory destination, especially for popes used to visit due to the excellent mineral salts of wellspring Bullicame, whose temperature reaches 58°C. This special thermal spot is completely dug in the rock and has also a Turkish bath with natural waterfalls that keep the site a humidity of 100%.

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The springs are located in the municipality of Manciano in Italy, a few kilometers from the village of Saturnia. It was reported through a legend that Saturnia thermal sites were formed by lightning bolts. It was a fight between Jupiter and Saturn who missed the other god’s bolts, causing the formations. The springs that feed the baths, cover a vast territory that stretches from Mount Amiata, the Maremma at Roselle (Terme di Roselle), and Talamone (Terme dell’Osa). The chemical mix is sulfur, carbon, sulfate, bicarbonate-alkaline, and earth, with the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas and carbon dioxide.

It is a place that is better to visit in late Fall till early Spring, so you can enjoy the amazing landscape and more space because of fewer visitors.

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It’s situated 300 meters from the beach of Maronti and is accessed by several little waterfalls that open into a small bed among the tuff walls of the hill.

These terms are well known since the ancient Greeks who spotted and colonized the beautiful island. Romans, then with their engineering developments, brought the Cavascura hot springs to today’s splendor.

Interesting and picturesque is the play of colors that can be observed entering; violet predominates; In the gloom of caverns restful guests bathe in real contact with nature. Then there is a hot shower that comes down the mountain like a waterfall and a natural sauna dug in the cave that over time formed the hydrothermal basin. These springs, are a wellness center where you can also enjoy mud baths and showers, a natural sauna, and massages.

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Have you ever thought that Italy holds a unique hot springs record?  Thermal water can be found underground throughout almost all of the Italian peninsula. I would recommend October to March the best months to enjoy these enchanting natural spots. So, kindly, accept my modest hints, and you could have the most surprising spa vacation at a lesser cost than the average “hot places”.

Antonia L. Mosca

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Italian tower watches: Untold histories.

Many centuries have passed from the pirates’ invasions of the Italian coast. However, there is always something magical about these past histories.

The idea of seeing places that switch back to an unknown past, it’s always so attractive. Touching a tower stone or visit the inside, can offer a concrete idea about what happened.

It is a past that we cannot live anymore, but no one can forbid us to fantasize.

In this article, we tried to group ten of the most amazing Italian tower watches, along with their legends, facts, and beautiful images.

  • Torre di Punta Campanella – Massa Lubrense
Punta Campanella in Sorrento, Naples, Italy

It is an old watch tower which divides Sorrento Peninsula to Positano.

The name “Campanella” means “little bell”, which it was rung when any kind of danger was going to happen or the enemy was sighted.

About its ruins there is a controversy:

Some consider that it might date back to the Greek empire, whom built also a temple.

Others, believe that it might be attributed to Ulysses’ myth.

According to the legend, pirates disembarked to Sorrento stole everything form Saint Antonino’s Church, also bells.

On their way back to the ship, nearby Punta Campanella, they got into a so powerful thunderstorm that sank pirate’s ship.

It is said that every year around Saint Antonino’s Day, people hear the bells in the bottom of the sea.

  • Torre di Carlo V – Agrigento
Torre di Carlo V in Porto Empedocle, Agrigento, Sicily

The dimensions of this so tough tower show until today the importance of the place to protect.

From XV century “Marina di Girgenti” was one of the most important grain loaders. Which, unfortunately brought many invaders on looting this rich area.

The promotion of this tower was advocated by Carlo V. For this reason, the tower watch was named after him.

In order to protect this site and its gorgeous Sicilian economy, was built the fortress in defense of the pirates’ raids.

  • Torre del Serpe – Otranto
Torre del Serpente, Otranto, Puglia

It is one of the most important Salento’ s fortresses.

The tower watch was advocated by Federico II to avoid pirates’ incursions.

Torre del Serpe, means literally “Sneak Tower”. According to the legend, a sneak lived in this fort, and it was fed with the oil used to light up the lighthouse.

A day, Saracens, tempted by the beautiful coast, were unable to invade Otranto.

The astute snake figured the upcoming danger, and blew the oil of the lighthouse off.

  • Torre Astura – Nettuno
Torre Astura, Nettuno, Lazio

A peninsula in the Nettuno village, on the coast of Latina. It is a tower still in good conditions, located near the Bussana beach.

To remember that it was one of the last places that Marc Antony visited before he was captured by Augusto.

The fortress was joined to the mainland by a bridge as it now remains, a peninsula projecting into the sea.

It is surmounted by a fortified tower, called the Torre di Astura

  • Torre dell’Arma – Imperia
Torre dell’Arma, Taggia, Imperia

Huge tower watch, it controls the entire headland, and it overlooks Costa Balena, between Arma di Taggia and Sanremo.

Torre dell’Arma was built around 1565, because Taggia and Bussana, as many other sea villages, were subjected to several pirates’ assaults.

Due to its massive building, in rhombus shape it allowed an excellent view which enabled the watcher to alert their population in case invaders were approaching the coastline.

  • Garitta di Santa Tecla – Acireale

Turks started invading Sicilian Saint Tecla’s coasts from XVI century.

To prevent countless attacks was built the garitta or sentry box on very sharp volcanic reefs.

The garitta is a covered tower that protected the watcher from the rain, wind, heat.

  • Torre la Scafa – Cagliari
Torre la Scafa – Cagliari, Sardegna

By the end of 1500 Torre della Scafa was guarded to avoid enemies to loot the Sardinia island.

Unfortunately, the structure was damaged by a rough storm in 1898, but it was rebuilt in a different way.

There are two floor levels in its tower and can have access to the terrace and have a spectacular view of Cagliari coastline.

  • Torre Lapillo – Lecce
Torre Lapillo, Puglia, Italy

It is a square shaped tower with access stairway and three very high arches.

To protect the Salento’s population from the Saracens, the structure was demanded on Carlo V’ s request.

The sturdy building it’s a hot tourists tower.

spot. Million people want to visit this venue to check-out the so well-built tower.

  • Torre Incina – Polignano a Mare

In the XVI century, the emperor Carlo V ordered to build tower watch along this area, too.

Towers were built in strategic spots where the invaders were going to be discouraged on their attacks.

Also, the towers were closer to each other to facilitate communication.

Sentries were able to inform one to the other their villagers about impending attacks.

  • Il Torrione – Ischia
Il Torrione, Ischia, Napoli

It is the biggest and the most famous tower watch in Ischia island.

It dates back to the XV century when too many invaders were attacking this beautiful place.

The structure is pretty big, because on three levels and it was built on top of tuff rock.

As per today, the venue became a local museum that attracts tourists from all around the world.


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