Top 5 Confusing Italian Words!

If you want to learn Italian, your goal is either to ex-pat, learn a new language, or simply to travel.

Therefore, you study hard, practice as soon as you have a chance, and improve your skills day by day.

You are clearly noticing to level up! When all the notions are on the right “cabinet”, suddenly, you realize that everything you have learned needs to be re-organized all over again…

“Italian language has lots and lots of exceptions”

Unfortunately, this is a true statement that I keep repeating to my students…

Sometimes you need to memorize a word as is because it can have different meanings that can be used in many different scenarios.

To make our students’ life easier, we came up with a few “troubling” words.

Let’s solve the dilemma between some of these.

Hi & Goodbye are two different greetings that have only one word in Italian: Ciao!

Below salutation has been used during the evening time, but these greetings are needed in specific cases.

Buona sera vs Buona notte

In these cases “Prego” is not the tomato can! Below images refer to “Prego” in two meanings.

Another usage of “Prego” in different contexts.

What’s the difference between the two words below?

As you may already thought about it:

“A presto” is a statement for a goodbye. We are uncertain about when we will meet again.

“A domani”, instead you do know that tomorrow we will see each other again.

We hope to have cleared some confusion.

See you for the next inquiries!

Antonia L. Mosca

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Posted August 15, 2022 by admin in category "Journal